Sophia likes to get up and sit on Daddy's lap to eat grapenuts first thing in the morning. If you look closely at the above photos you will see that she does this with her eyes closed. She is somewhat slow to wake up in the morning!
The photo above breakfast photos is a recent picture of her with her beautiful eyes open :)
And...the very top photo is of Alex's play, Peter Pan. Alex was an Indian and did a stellar job to a packed house for all 9 shows! In the photo, Alex stands in front of the tree and slightly to the right, next to a kid who is taller than him.
What else can I say? Busy summer, wonderful summer. I'm done with school, finally! Tomorrow I start my position as a post-adoption family therapist...after being laid off from a brief stent as the mental health consultant for childcare providers in the area. Carl is hoping to tackle a bathroom remodel very soon. And of course we enjoy watching the kids grow and change...
Sophia says quite a few words now, mom, dad, "a" for alex, bye, hi, no, that, up, and cat. She runs, climbs like crazy, and now throws temper tantrums! Alex will start 4th grade this year!!! He wants to play flag football this fall and basketball over the winter.
More updates later
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