
Sleepless nights...

Guess I'm getting ready for this baby cause I sure can't sleep!

Our paperwork left the NVC on November 15th. I contacted the Embassy "hotline" or whatever it is called, and apparently our I600 approval passed through D.C. (as expected) and is being sent to Seoul. Hopefully it will arrive there next week. After that, who knows?

Our social worker believes she will likely NOT travel in December, although she says it is possible. Her statement is based on the fact that most of their early July referrals just traveled a week or so ago (although 1 July referral traveled last month). So this is approximately 4 mos. from referral to travel.

So I'm just counting on January at this point. I still have plenty of work to do in these last few weeks of the semester. Then, I plan on attempting to log some internship hours early for next semester so I can take time off when the baby arrives.

Speaking of baby...okay, it's time to finally discuss our name choice! We have been hesitant to formally announce as I have been known to be slightly indecisive at times...but we are fairly well set on Sophie. Her American birth certificate will read Sophia Yoon Sook Roy. Sophie for short.

I still need to get room pictures and post...hopefully this weekend. (yes, I say that every weekend but I have been busy :)

Alex is eager and excited for the arrival of "baby sis" as he lovingly calls her--he would like her here for Christmas but did ask if that meant he would get less presents this year :) Gotta love Alex...probably thinking to himself, "well....if it means I'll get a few more presents then after Christmas would probably be better."

Oh...and my latest obsession regarding baby planning is deciding what carrier to buy. Carriers have changed a whole bunch since Alex was little and are very important in our situation as the foster mothers in Korea typically carrier the baby a traditional Korean carrier virtually all the time. So it is important to have one for transition issues and to promote healthy attachment. I think I finally found the carrier I want...plan to order it early next week. There is a photo of the print I'm thinking of getting at the top of this post. Carl is voting for a more gender neutral pattern, such as denim, so it doesn't threaten his masculinity when he is carrying Sophie. :) Here is a link for a cool You-Tube video on how it works http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqGoGyFSZR4

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