I have photos on the camera of Alex and Sophie...but a couple of people asked to see some photos from Korea. So, here are a few. Description from top to bottom:
- A picture of the outside, front, of Eastern Guesthouse where I stayed. Also housed in this building is a nursery where there were 41 nearly newborn babies who were waiting for foster care/adoption, a small facility for pregnant women to live while they are making an adoption plan, and various offices for social workers, etc. Additionally there are guest rooms located on 5 floors with a kitchen on each floor, and a lovely cafeteria to feed workers. One day Eastern hosted a lunch for the adoptive parents one day where we were able to eat with the directors.
- A picture of the kitchen at the Guesthouse where I stayed...there was a kitchen on each floor, they provided OJ, eggs, and bread.
- A Buddhist temple I visited on my one sight-seeing afternoon
- Octopi (sp?)...this was taken at a resturant....NO, I did NOT eat there
- This is the Hanbok that Sophie's foster parents gave to me for her 1st birthday
- Taken at a restaurant one evening with fellow Adoptive parents that I hung around with, we are still e-mailing each other. I feel very bonded with these people that I only spent a few days with.
- Sophie with her foster parents at one of our meetings.
Computer time has been a little limited, but I'll try to post some recent photos of Sophie and Alex soon.
Sophie's doing great by the way....sleep still not the best but I think it is getting better. She is starting to babble a whole bunch and loves to watch Alex sing and dance. I took her to the school gym (at the school where my sister works) and she loved walking around the gym with her push toy while Alex played basketball. She still loves her carrier when she is fussy, so it has proven to be well worth the investment.
That's all for now.
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